More than 500 years ago, the Protestant Reformation brought the church’s focus back to God’s free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.

The Gospel is the same now as it was then, even as the church’s work continues through the ministry of Word and Sacrament.

The following resources highlight the history, theology and continued effects of the Reformation today.

Faces of the Reformation

Use these handouts, bulletin inserts and Bible studies to get to know key Reformation figures.

Reformation Timeline

Picture the whole scope of the Reformation, from the printing press to the Thirty Year’s War.

Treasures of the Reformation

Join LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison to explore the local history of the Reformation in 20 short videos.

Martin Luther

Martin Luther reformed the Church as he fought relentlessly for the clear teaching of the Gospel.

The Life of Luther

Follow the key events of the Reformation through a close study of the life of Martin Luther.

Luther’s Writings

Explore the various essays, letters and books Luther wrote in his lifetime.

Bible Studies with Luther

Use Martin Luther’s work on Genesis and Galatians as you study God’s Word.

Art of the Reformation

The music, paintings and devotional texts of the Reformation all work together to confess the theology of the Gospel.


Sing the hymns from the Lutheran heritage.

Art History

Experience the art, architecture and altarpieces of the Reformation.

Reformation Reading

Make your own list of Reformation reading essentials.

The Lutheran Confessions

The three ecumenical creeds, Catechism, Augsburg Confession and other documents in The Book of Concord draw upon the Scriptures for a clear explanation of biblical christianity.

The Catechism

Luther’s Small Catechism gave families and new converts a simple way to learn the essentials of the faith in a question and answer format.

The Smalcald Articles

Prepared for the Schmalkaldic League in 1537, the Smalcald articles provided a unified theological front against the incursions of Emperor Charles V.

The Formula of Concord

The Book of Concord ends with the Formula of 1577, a presentation and defense of Lutheran theology in the face of Catholic, Anabaptist and Reformed pressures.

Celebrate the Reformation

As you and your church prepare to remember the Reformation this year, you are invited to use the following resources.