As an additional way of carrying out its assignments, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations utilizes conferences and convocations to bring theological matters for discussion to the membership of the Synod.
1997 — 150th Anniversary Theological Convocation of the LCMS
St. Louis, Mo.
In commemoration of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s 150th Anniversary in 1997, the faculties of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; LCMS district presidents; LCMS vice-presidents; and the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations attended a theological convocation.
The convocation was devoted to the topic of the doctrines of Church and Ministry, specifically the doctrine of the Office of the Holy Ministry and the doctrine of the Royal Priesthood of all Believers.
2002 — Model Theological Conference
Aug. 5-7, 2002, in Phoenix, Ariz.
The online conference report includes the following Bible studies, presentations, and discussions.
- Acts 15 Bible Study Presentation No. 1 — Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs
- Acts 15 Bible Study Discussion No. 1 — Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs
- Acts 15 Bible Study Presentation No. 2 — Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs
- Acts 15 Bible Study Discussion No. 2 — Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs
- Some Reflections on a Yankee Stadium Case of Discretion — President Emeritus, Dr. Ralph Bohlmann
- When Cases of Discretion Are Really Cases of Discretion — President Emeritus, Dr. Robert Kuhn
- Conflict, Confession and Unity — Dr. Harold Senkbeil
- Conflict, Confession and Unity — Dr. Thomas Zehnder
- Greetings and Comments from the President — President Gerald Kieschnick
2005 — Model Theological Conference
Aug. 23-25, 2005, in Phoenix, Ariz.
- Who’s In Charge Here? A Pastor’s Perspective — Rev. Ralph Blomenberg
- The Role of the Laity — Mr. Peter Hessler
2008 — Model Theological Conference
“Carrying Out God’s Mission in the 21st Century: The Relationship Between Theology and Polity”
Aug. 18-20, 2008, in St. Louis, Mo.
The online conference report includes the following devotions, Bible studies, and papers.
- Opening Devotion — Dr. John Nunes
- Opening Devotion — Dr. Robert Kuhn
- Bible Study 1 — Acts 15:1-31 — Dr. Joel Lehenbauer
- Bible Study 2 — 1 Corinthians 12:4-31 — Dr. Joel Lehenbauer
- Bible Study 3 — Ephesians 4:3-6 — Dr. Joel Lehenbauer
- Keynote Address — “Carrying Out God’s Mission in the 21st Century” — Dr. Samuel Nafzger
- “The Missio Dei” — Dr. Robert Newton
- Response to “The Missio Dei” — Rev. Roosevelt Gray, Jr.
- Response to “The Missio Dei” — Mrs. Gretchen Jameson
- Response to “The Missio Dei” — Rev. Khurram Khan
- Response to “The Missio Dei” — Dr. Richard Noack
- Response to “The Missio Dei” — Dr. Leopoldo Sanchez
- Blue Ribbon Task Force — Synod Structure and Governance Proposals
- Panel Review — Mr. Kirk Farney
- Panel Review — Chaplain Donald Muchow
- Panel Review — Dr. Will Sohns
- Closing Remarks — Dr. Gerald Kieschnick
2010 — Model Theological Conference on Worship
“Toward a Theology of Worship That Is …”
Jan. 11-13, 2010, in St. Louis, Mo.
The conference was co-sponsored by the LCMS Commission on Worship and the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations.
- Laying the First Shingle: Foundational Perspectives for a Scriptural and Confessional Theology of Worship — Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs
- Toward a Theology of Worship That Is Pastoral and Sacramental Model Theological Conference on Worship — Rev. Larry Vogel
- Toward a Theology of Worship That Is “Personal and Contextual” — Rev. Dr. Dien Ashley Taylor
- Toward a Theology of Worship that is Missional and Vocational — Rev. Mason T. Beecroft
- Response to Mason Beecroft — Dr. Paul Grime
- Toward a Theology of Worship that is Missional and Vocational — Rev. Jeff Cloeter
- Response to Jeff Cloeter — Dr. Paul Grime
- All Adiaphora are Not Created Equally — Rev. Charles P. Arand
- Response to Charles P. Arand — A. A. Just Jr.
- Response to Charles P. Arand — James Alan Waddell
2012 — International Conference on Confessional Leadership in the 21st Century
“The Lutheran Church in the 21st Century — Martyria, Diakonia, Koinonia”
Oct. 31 to Nov. 2, 2012, in Peachtree City, Ga.
More than 120 Lutheran leaders from around the world gathered for mutual edification, encouragement, and promotion of the Gospel-centered teachings that stand at the heart of the Lutheran Reformation of the 16th century.
Speakers from every region of the globe addressed the joys and challenges of confessional Lutheran churches. The conference was co-sponsored by the President’s Office and the Commission on Theology and Church Relations in keeping with a request from the 2010 LCMS Convention (Res. 3-02A).
2015 — International Conference on Confessional Leadership in the 21st Century
“Celebrating the Reformation Rightly: Remembrance, Repentance, Rejoicing”
May 3-8, 2015, in Wittenberg, Germany
Conference participants attended the dedication of Wittenberg’s “Old Latin School” and gathered for daily worship in the Stadtkirche, Saint Mary’s, the congregation where Martin Luther preached at least 1,000 times.
An overwhelmingly positive reaction to the first ICCL in 2012 led the 2013 LCMS Convention to encourage a second gathering of worldwide leaders (Res. 4-04).
Confessional Lutherans representing 41 countries and 23 million Lutherans worldwide heard presentations on central Reformation truths: Scripture’s authority, the centrality of Christ’s redemptive work for the world, and the Gospel’s assurance of grace through faith in Him.
The conference was a step toward helping prepare world Lutheranism for the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 and was co-sponsored by the President’s Office and the Commission on Theology and Church Relations.