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Long Term Disaster Response Is Not Glamorous

Volunteers from Valparaiso University responding to floods in SC in March 2016
Volunteers from Valparaiso University responding to floods in South Carolina in March 2016.

Long after the stories of tragedy have moved out of the news, LCMS Disaster Response and LCMS congregations continue to help their communities rebuild their lives after disasters.  One of the greatest frustrations that I often hear from congregations is that after the first couple of weeks all of the large organizations leave. The fact is that long term rebuilding is difficult and is not glamorous. However, LCMS Disaster Response is committed to helping communities rebuild for up to three years after a disaster has torn apart lives and homes. LCMS congregations are anchors in their community. They serve as a lighthouse of the Gospel and they can be a mercy center for helping others in a time of need.

The task list for the volunteers from Valparaiso University responding to SC floods in March 2016
The task list for the volunteers from Valparaiso University responding to SC floods in March 2016

Last fall, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Columbia, SC found itself in the middle of a devastating flood. The church opened her doors to help and aid victims after the flood. Now that they are starting to move into the long term stage of recovery they have also started to host groups to rebuild their city. LCMS Disaster Response gave a grant to help pay for a Disaster Relief Coordinator at the church. Over the last few months that coordinator, Carmen Yuris, has been tasked with organizing and coordinating volunteers. Just last week the church hosted a group of students from Valparaiso University.

If you have a group with construction skills who would like to serve by rebuilding homes in the Columbia, S.C. area please consider contacting Carmen at If you aren’t able to go and help, please pray that God will continue to bless the great work that is being done at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

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