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Insights from LCMS Statistics: Reasons for Hope and Growth

DCE Jayme Nichols takes a selfie with confirmands at Concordia Lutheran Church in Kirkwood, MO before the Rite of Confirmation on October 30, 2016.
DCE Jayme Nichols takes a selfie with confirmands at Concordia Lutheran Church in Kirkwood, MO before the Rite of Confirmation on October 30, 2016.

It was a blessing to see on social media the numerous pictures of young people being confirmed in the Christian faith this Reformation Sunday. The pictures are a wonderful reminder of the gifts of our Baptism, faith in Christ, and the Christian community which supports and prays for these young people, parents, and educators.

The Confirmation process of catechesis and faith formation has been on our hearts and minds a lot recently. There have been several opportunities to discuss these topics through opportunities like:

The dialogue around these events reveal continued challenges and opportunities in teaching the faith in today’s world. They also provided support for pastors, DCEs, and other educators as they teach God’s Word in a number of settings.

As this has been happening, Ryan Curnutt of LCMS Research has been identifying trends surfacing within the LCMS self-reporting system. Ryan reported on these numbers to the LCMS Council of Presidents and others in September. I used the findings as the backdrop to a presentation at Concordia Seminary’s Symposium in September, focusing on retention rates of the baptized.

Besides what is mentioned in the article, the research provides insight to our Baptism, Junior Confirmation, and Adult Confirmation trends. This information is helpful to guide reflection on our communities and congregations.

Here are a few key takeaways from the research:

The US Baby Boom (1944-1964) had a clear impact on the number of Child Baptisms in the LCMS. The children of Baby Boomers (Millennials) are also visible, though a noticeably smaller increase in the mid-1980’s.


Using LCMS Research’s adjusted reports (accounting for previous irregularities in reporting), LCMS infant baptisms peaked in 1959 at roughly 85,000. (This timing would be expected in connection to the post-World War II Baby Boom era.) In 2012, the LCMS recorded roughly 25,000 baptisms, or 29% of 1959’s high mark. [i]

Notice, though, that by the 1990’s, Junior Confirmations no longer “echo” child baptisms, but instead correlate year-to-year.

Junior Confirmation numbers peaked in 1968 with roughly 60,000 confirmations.

Confirmation “Echo”: In addition to the overall decrease in annual baptisms and confirmations, an increasing gap is shown between the number of baptisms and confirmations, when considering the confirmation process. For comparison purposes, it was assumed that Confirmation happens at age 13 (connected to an 8th grade confirmation). (The data gap changes insignificantly in moving the confirmation age by a year or two.)


What does this mean?

These statistics cannot give a straight child-to-child comparison as we can’t account for the exact confirmation age and baptismal age of an “infant”. However, it’s clear to see confirmation rates have steadily declined from its peak of 85% retention in 1960 to under 50% in the late-1980’s through present time.

These lower retention rates dictate that our number of young people, future adult members, and therefore, future parents has also declined over the decades.

The numbers create several questions for future research, planning, and evaluating of our Christian education, and Junior (and Adult) Confirmation processes:

Where do we go from here?

In engaging with catechesis and the Confirmation process, speakers at both Symposiums lift up these important matters for LCMS Congregations to consider:

May God bless your family of Christ and your faith formation activities!

Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Hebrews 13:7 ESV

[i] A strong factor in the declining number of baptisms is the decreasing U.S. birth rate since the Baby Boom, especially with U.S. born (non-immigrant) mothers (See article). Since the early 1960’s., one can also see a decrease in adult confirmations in tandem with child baptisms.

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