For the organist who has just taken “to the bench” or the accomplished organist hoping to share skills with a prodigy, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has compiled organ instruction videos intended to assist building skills. The six online organ instructional videos will help organists with accompanying of hymnody and liturgy.
Video Segments
The video segments, which are each 8 to 10 minutes long, focus on various topics of service playing, including:
- Organ Registration
- Hymn Introductions
- Hymn Playing
- Liturgy Playing — Setting One
- Liturgy Playing — Setting Three
- Leading New Hymn and Liturgical Settings
Organ Registration
What do all these names mean? How do I know which stops to use?
Hymn Introductions
Learn how to add variety and interest when introducing a hymn.
Hymn Playing
Learn how to lead the singing of the congregation with appropriate tempo, pulse, and phrasing.
Liturgy Playing — Setting One
Get ideas for leading Divine Service-Setting One in Lutheran Service Book.
Liturgy Playing — Setting Three
Get ideas for leading Divine Service-Setting Three in Lutheran Service Book.
Leading New Hymns and Liturgical Settings
Learn ways to play hymns and liturgical settings that may be unfamiliar to yourself and your congregation.