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O Holy Night: Christmas Memory of a Child

Christmas at Immanuel Lutheran, Kansas City, MO.
Christmas at Immanuel Lutheran, Kansas City, MO. Photo from:

It must have been Christmas 1953.

                 I was 5 years old.

My family went to Immanuel Lutheran Church

                At 42nd and Tracy

                In Kansas City, Missouri.

                Immanuel was the “mother-church” of Lutheran churches in Kansas City.

                The Reverend T.A. Weinhold was the pastor.

                                I remember him to be serious and elegant.

                                A gentleman and passionate pastor.

I have a vivid memory of that Christmas.

                The church was packed . . . and packed might be an understatement.

                The Senior Walther League had decorated the massive church.

                                (Massive might be a relative term; remember I was five)

                The church was beautiful . . .




                                Tinsel . . . lots of shimmering tinsel.

The Christmas Gospel was read

                And the pageant began: Mary.  Joseph.  Shepherds.  Angels.

And the choirs

                All in robes, like angels

                And it was one choir that was called, I think, the “Junior Choir”

                                High school and college-aged young adults

                                A large group

                Sang a Christmas hymn I had never heard before,

                                “Oh Holy Night”

                                And I still remember it.

`                               How it sounded.

                                                Like angels.

                “Fall on your knees and hear the angel voices.”

                                I remember being enchanted with this “new” hymn

                                (Although now I know it was written 101 years before I was born.)

“Fall on your knees . . .”

                On Christmas eve, 1953

                Christmas eve was AWE-some for this five-year-old because of that hymn.

                                It was like magic to the kid.

                                In theological terms, it was the unfolding of the mystery of the incarnation

                                                Come alive in the heart and mind of a child.

                                “Fall on your knees” . . . in joy and awe.

There’s a lot of talk about revitalization of the church.

When we talk about revitalization, maybe we need to see through the heart of a five-year-old.

                Remember what Jesus said, Mark 10:14-15?

                Rediscover the awesome majesty of God

                Recover the mystery

                Respond to God’s plan and how it unfolds.

This year, what will your children, be they five, fifteen or twenty-five . . .

                What will your children see?

                What will they hear?

                What will they feel?

                What will they taste?

                                 I almost forgot, Christmas at Immanuel meant the candy sack.

                Every child got a lunch bag, filled with treats –

                                An orange

                                Orange slices

                                A few chocolate drops

                                And some peanuts.

God bless you with an AWE-some, JOY-filled Christmas!

The LCMS Youth Ministry staff wishes you a joy-filled Christmas!
Back Row: Jim Lohman, Krista Miller, Renee Lorenz; Front Row: Mark Kiessling, Terry Dittmer, Amy Gray.
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