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Dedicated volunteers help make Operation Barnabas a success

I want to give a huge “shout out” to all those volunteers who help us — every single day — make our LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces’ Project “Operation Barnabas” such a huge success. Volunteers like you are what make this work.

This is truly a “grassroots” program that depends completely on volunteers like you at the congregational level, who selflessly dedicate your time, talents, and treasures to this much-needed ministry.

You share ideas, promote networking, and motivate others to start or expand Operation Barnabas ministries in congregations and districts, and this helps bring Christ to military connected families. We are so grateful for you. You are so gracious and loving of your neighbor as Christ loves us.

And, just as Barnabas was St. Paul’s supportive companion on his missionary journeys, Operation Barnabas offers resources to help congregations care for all military connected people — both within their congregations and out in their communities.

The goal is to be an intentional outreach of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all military connected people in our communities.

Lots of organizations offer services to veterans and some even to their families, but The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, through Operation Barnabas, offers something more: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And you, our outstanding and dedicated volunteers, are the ones that make this possible.

About 330 of the Synod’s 6,000 congregations are active in the 10-year-old Operation Barnabas. We would like to see every Synod congregation involved (since they all, no doubt, have links to military families and are connected in some way), in sharing the veteran-friendly message:

“Your service to our nation was honorable, you did your duty and we respect that, you’re welcome here — no matter what you’ve been through — and God loves you and sent Jesus for you.”

Suicide prevention is everybody’s business.

If someone only took the time to listen to a hurting veteran — and that person could be you — more lives might be saved. Just caring is very important.

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death. Someone attempts suicide every 35 seconds, and veterans account for 18 percent (some 20 per day) of the 42,000 deaths by suicide annually.

You, as Operation Barnabas volunteers, are willing to step in, reach these hurting veterans and their families, and provide them a lifeline.

Thank you! Thank you to all volunteers of Operation Barnabas!

You continue to make a difference in the lives of so many of our military connected people. Thank you for being a network of care they can count on.

LCMS celebrates valued volunteers

During National Volunteer Month in April 2019, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod invites districts, congregations and members to join us in celebrating our treasured volunteers. Visit for information.

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