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LCMS World Relief and Human Care – May 2024 ‘Sharing’ newsletter

LCMS World Relief and Human Care - Sharing Newsletter

Despite the dangers St. Paul faced following his third missionary journey, he was determined to return to Jerusalem to bring a financial gift to the church, which was grappling with famine and persecution. It was during this mission of mercy that he was arrested and later martyred.

Following Paul’s example, “the church’s ministry of mercy continues today,” says the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). “Through LCMS World Relief and Human Care, you make possible acts of mercy near and far, in the name of Jesus, to our dear fellow Lutheran Christians, and very often through them to people in need who also need Jesus. Thank you.”

This issue of Sharing highlights how this work is being carried out around the world:

  • In Panama, where many partners have helped Redeemer Lutheran Church, Balboa (Panama City), undergo an amazing transformation after it was damaged by hurricanes, floods and termites.
  • In Texas, where Trinity Klein Lutheran Church, Spring, is reaching out to its Hispanic neighbors by providing food, bilingual Bibles and English-as-a-Second-Language classes.

LCMS World Relief and Human Care

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