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PALS Study Topics — Thinking About Stewardship

Rev. Dr. Joel D. Biermann.

Module: Adminstration/Leadership

This course contains three sessions: 1) My Money, My Responsibility; 2) The Stewardship of Evangelism; and 3) All of Life as a Disciple. Each session begins with a video introduction by Dr. Biermann that presents some of the core ideas or thoughts that will undergird the subsequent study. In each session, at least one section of Scripture will be presented for more careful study in conjunction with the material contained within the video. Guiding questions for discussion relating to the video and the Scripture will be offered for each session.


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Session 1 – My Money, My Responsibility

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Session 2 – The Stewardship of Evangelism

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Session 3 – All of Life as a Disciple

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