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Feed My Lambs – Bible Study


A free Bible study on mercy, titled “Feed My Lambs,” is available from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod for use in home, school or church settings.

The purpose of the five-session study, which was written by LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, is to explore how members of the body of Christ demonstrate love and compassion to people in need as an expression of faith.

“Large or small, our acts of mercy flow from our living faith in Christ,” Harrison writes in Session 1. “We respond to His love for us by acting in love and compassion toward others.”

The study examines key Bible verses, as well as pertinent passages from Martin Luther, to help participants come to a biblical understanding of mercy and consider the outcomes of their actions.

“Feed My Lambs” was originally published in 2003. The new version has been re-edited and is also available in Spanish.

English version

 English Version – Download

Version en Español

Este estudio bíblico explora cómo los miembros del cuerpo de Cristo demuestran en expresión de su fe, el amor y la compasión de Cristo, hacia las personas que se encuentran en necesidad.

Version en Español – Descargar



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